2024 Reading Round Up

It’s that time of year! I already did a post about my favorite read from each month of 2024, but now it’s time to look at some of my stats from the year.

I love looking back at my authors each year to see if I was better about reading more diversely, but first I’ll start with some general reading stats. In 2024 I read a total of 76 books. I was down a little from last year, but I did have one month where I was sick and read zero books. 46 of the books I read were physical books, 19 were audiobooks, and 11 were digital/e-reader. I did read less audiobooks and digital books this year which was interesting. The majority of the books I read were still between 300-499 pages with 15 books being less than 300 pages and 4 books being more than 500 pages. My average rating dipped a bit this year. Last year I had an overall rating of 3.82 but this year it was 3.71. I also only had 9 5 star reads which is 5 less than last year. I had 7 books under 3 stars compared to 10 from last year. Finally, the month that I read the most this year was May! I’m a little surprised because it’s usually the summer.

Now for the fun part

For 2023

Black- 9

Asian/Indian- 12

Latinx- 1

White- 42

Male- 5

For 2024

Black- 5

Asian/Indian- 11


White- 39

Male- 9

 I did have a lot of repeat authors on my list this year. For example, I re-read the Book of Life series by Deborah Harkess which is 5 books as well as 3 books by Lucy Score and 3 books by Ashley Poston. It looks like my diversity dipped again. I thought I had made more of an effort to read diversely, but I guess I did not. I did at least get around to reading a couple of books by diverse authors I’ve had on my shelf, but I really need to make this a goal for next year. I do know a couple of books already that are by black authors that I intend on reading, so hopefully that will help.

Since I talked about my favorite books in a previous post, I will share what my bottom 4 books are here. I debated doing 5, but honestly, some of my other lower ranked books I don’t even remember, so I just wrote the ones I remember why I disliked them so much.

My least favorite book and one that I did not finish was Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. I really wanted to like this book because I had heard so many good things about it and I love the concept. I absolutely could not stand the writing. It felt so misogynistic to me. The other book I did not finish this year was The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo. I was so excited for this book since I really enjoyed Ninth House by her. However, I could not get into this one. I didn’t like the characters at the beginning. In fact, I can’t really remember much about this book given how little I read about it.

These are my other least favorite reads of 2024:

West Side Love Story by Priscilla Olivieras

This was a book I got for free from Amazon Reads. It just was soooo slow to me. I remember the characters really getting on my nerves.

Sula by Toni Morrison

Admittedly, this is probably because I’m not the target audience for this book. I read this along with the Well Read Black Girl account as a book club of sorts. I did not understand the appeal at all.

The Pumpkin Spice Café by Laurie Gilmore

This book has the cutest cover and has been getting so much hype on the internet. I listened to it and found the characters insufferable, immature, and the writing to be poor. I don’t understand how this series has the internet in such a choke hold.

The interesting thing about this year’s reads is that even though I had less 5 star reads this year, I feel like some of them are going to be lifetime favorites. I also discovered some new favorite authors this year like Ashley Poston. In fact, I read 37 new to me authors this year.

I’m excited to see what 2025 has in store for me. I hope I can keep my intention of reading more diverse reads next year and not dip for the 3rd year in a row.