Supergirl, Volume 1: Reign of The Cyborg Super-Men
By: Steve Orlando
Published Year: 2017
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is no way shape or form influenced my opinion.
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Summary (Provided by Goodreads):
First Impressions
I am a big fan of the CW superhero shows including Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and DC Legends of Tomorrow. It’s totally nerdy but they are great. And the Flash (and Wolverine) have always been my favorite superheroes. I got really excited when I saw that this was available for review.
What I thought
I’m very confused. I know that DC has completed a lot of rebirth comics because of this resurgence in comic book character interest. I have read a Flash reboot comic and I really enjoyed it. This one, however, I felt completely like I was thrown into the middle of a world I which I only knew the main character.
Comic books are always a bit different to review, but I will try my best. The drawings and the colors were beautiful. Visually I really enjoyed this story. I wish I could’ve enjoyed the story as much.
Considering that this is called a rebirth I didn’t think I would be lost or feel like I was in the middle of an already started story. Instead, it seemed like Supergirl (at some previous point unknown to the reader) lost her powers and in the first scene, flew into the sun to get them back. Then from there she is assigned to the Danvers to be a part of their family. Maybe I allowed my show knowledge to influence my comic book knowledge too much, but I was a bit perplexed as to why she would only be assigned parents at this point in her life.
I think that because of the confusion, I didn’t enjoy the story as much as I thought that I would. I also wasn’t crazy about the Supe-Men Cyborgs as a villain and I think that made a difference too
If you’re a Supergirl fan, I think you will enjoy this. It wasn’t as if it was starting over from the very beginning, so I think already fans will appreciate that. New fans, or fans who are new to the books but not to the show will probably be confused like I was. I liked the updated drawings, but I don’t think I will read any more of the Supergirl Rebirth comics. I much preferred the Flash ones.