Mini-Reviews- The Tin Man & Between the World and Me

This week I’m doing two mini reviews on books that I read. I didn’t feel like for either of them I could do a full review which is why I’ve decided to approach it this way instead.

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I received this book for review about 3 or 4 years ago and never got around to it. The cover itself is beautiful and it’s a tiny little book. It follows Ellis and a bit of a love triangle but not really with his first love Michael and his wife Annie. The style of this book is what I struggled with the most. It was pretty much written in two parts with no chapters and no quotation marks around the dialogue. I tend to struggle with that style because it makes it feel less real to me and, therefore, harder to connect with the characters. The story was interesting and not really my thing. It wasn’t a bad book but just not for me and hence why I didn’t have enough to say about it to write a full review.

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This was another book that was given to me (not for review) and sat on my shelf for about a year. It was given to me as a recommendation when in the summer of 2020 I wanted to expose myself to more black literature and educate myself more. This one was on every list that I saw so I was looking forward to it. I think that it’s an interesting book but I didn’t find it mind blowing or life changing. Maybe if it had been the first book I read I would’ve found it that way but none of it seemed new to me. I still think it’s an important book and I would recommend it as a place to start for people who want to educate themselves on someone’s life from a black perspective but I didn’t love it.