2020 Review- My Diverse Reads

Instead of doing a full survey of year in review this year I’ve decided to reflect on how diverse my reading has been. In the past I have tried to make a more conscious effort to read books by diverse authors. I’m going to look back at what my diversity of authors was compared with last years and see if I’ve made any improvements. I know in the past I’ve looked at star ratings based on the year, so I may do that too because I do feel like I had a surprisingly good year for reading even if I didn’t read as much as I normally do.

Let’s see how I did in this dumpster fire of a year!

I’ve divided my categories into black, Asian/Indian, white female, and male. There is some cross between the male and Asian category so I did count them twice. Also, I had a few authors that I read multiple books by so I only counted them twice.

While my read list is still overwhelmingly white female, my conscious effort to read more books by authors of color did slightly pay off this year. I kept my Asian/Indian author numbers the same and increased my black author numbers by 6 books! That’s a 75% increase! I still have a long way to go but I think one positive of 2020 is that it has really highlighted authors of color, so I’m seeing more of their books and wanting to pick them up more. I definitely will continue to be more conscious of my reading diversity and continue to pick books by authors of color.