Library Anxiety

I have a problem. I am a library book over-requester. I have this tendency to request a lot of books from the library and put them on hold, and then, somehow, they all come in at the same time. This then causes me to have a case of Library Anxiety. Have you ever experienced it?

As you can see, I currently have 6 books out from the library! And they all came in during the same week. Add that to the fact that three of the books I requested are on a two week loan instead of 4 week and my library anxiety is running high!

I am not one who is ok with overdue fees, so I think that adds to my library anxiety. As a result, I feel pressured to read all of the books that I took out before I have to return them and then I don’t end up enjoying them as much as I would if I had more time to read them. Definitely a down side to library anxiety.

Over the past few years, I’ve tried to find ways to ease my library anxiety. So far, the best solution is trying to hold back on the amount of things that I put on hold. Obviously, that doesn’t always work. If I end up in a situation like this one, I try to prioritize. First, I look at the dates that he books are due. I then try to decide which book would upset me the most if I had to return it without reading it. Unfortunately, this doesn’t calm the anxiety 100%, but it does help a little. It also helps if I know that the books I have are able to be renewed, but unfortunately the ones that are 2 weeks usually aren’t renewable.

I’d love to hear your experiences with Library Anxiety! What do you do if you’ve experienced it?