Goals of 2016

I am not typically one for New Year’s Resolutions. I like the idea that the new year means a fresh start, but I feel like you can make goals throughout the year and not just on the first. However, I do have a few things that I thought I would like to accomplish on the blog/with blog related things.


My Goodreads goal for 2016 is 80 books. Last year my goal was 75 and I read a little over 90. I’m a little nervous about my goal because I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump, but hopefully that will pick back up. I always tend to be a little slower in the winter with my reading, so here’s hoping that’s all that this is.

Book challenges. I am participating in the Debut Author Challenge again this year, and hopefully I will do better with it this year than I did last year. I participated really well until about August and then just dropped off. I also want to participate in a re-read challenge. I’m hoping to re-read Harry Potter this year, but I say this a lot so we will see how it goes. I have also looked into a few other challenges, but haven’t officially signed up for anything else. If I do, I will update you!


Skin Care Routine. I feel like for a while, my skin was looking great and lately it is kind of looking blah again. Since I am in my late 20s, I’d really like to get a solid skin care routine under control. While I’m great with putting on serum and moisturizer every day, I’m terrible about washing my face.  I think that’s my biggest goal for 2016. I can’t currently think of anything else I’d like to work on.


Budget. Since I am planning on traveling this year, I’d really like to be better about making a monthly spending budget and sticking to it. I do save my money but I’ve never made a set budget for buying clothes and beauty products. J’s Everyday Fashion often writes posts about budgeting and it has really inspired me to try her method budgeting. Hopefully this will help me from not spending a lot of money on unnecessary things so that I can afford my trip and afford fun things on my trip.


Update the blog. I feel like the blog has gotten a little stale. I’m hoping (once I get time) to update the look of the blog and maybe play around with how I review some of my books. I’m also hoping that by doing this, I can increase my readership a little bit. I’d love to have more readers!

Consistency. I am hoping to get back into being more consistent on my blog posts. I was really good at posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the beginning, but then with the wedding and the honeymoon I got really behind. I’m hoping that over the next month I will get back into the habit of blogging and regular posts.

                                                 Do you have any resolutions?