Library Hiatus Update- March

Early in February, I decided I needed to take a break from the library. I had gotten into the bad habit of requesting insane amounts of books, and then reading those and ignoring all of the books I had recently purchased. I updated you on last month’s progress and decided to update you guys on this month’s!

This is my second month completing my library hiatus, so I am providing a look at how I did this month as well as how I did compared to last month. This month only 2/9 of the books that I read were library books! With the exception of the book club book, I did not check out any new books during the month of March!

I am so proud of the fact that I made it through 7 non-library books this month. Below you will see a graph of the types of books I read this month.

I did still end up adding a few books to my collection through reviews that weren’t initially on my list of books I wanted to get through when I started this hiatus, but I’m still proud that 4 of the books that I read this month were ones I owned prior to starting my hiatus! That’s especially awesome when I compare to last month where I only got through one.

The most interesting thing that I’ve found is that since blogging, my reading habits have changed a little bit. I went from picking up book that looked interesting to me no matter how old they were to immediately wanting to read the newest thing as soon as it came out. Every time I would hear about a new book coming out I would immediately put it on hold so that I was one of the first 3 people on the list to receive it. As awesome as that is, there are some books that I don’t need to read immediately. It’s ok to wait a little bit and read something else first.

Because I was able to make I through so many non-library, non-review books these past two months, I think I can end my hiatus. I’m hoping that this break from the library has taught me some better requesting habits, but we shall see. I know that I have a few books on hold (that I’ve had on hold for a while) that are due to release in April so I’ll end up with a stack for sure!

Now, if I get back in the habit of having 7 library books out at once I might have to start the hiatus again, but hopefully I have this addiction under control!