New Year, New Funk?

Hey Everyone!

I know I've been a bit MIA on the blog lately and while it's mostly due to being busy for the holidays (traveling out of state for family and other things) it's also partly just been a bit of a funk with the blog. Last summer I felt a bit of staleness with my blog and I intended on doing a redesign. But then I was busy with work and an amazing trip to the UK and it never happened, so I think a bit of that carried on. I definitely feel the need to spice things up on here and I hope you readers aren't bored with me!

I know that my beauty and haul posts have been lacking and that is pure laziness. I sit here knowing I should take pictures and write about things I bought but instead this is what I pretty much end up doing.

And while there's nothing wrong with taking time to chill in bed and watch TV, I do feel like I've been letting it impact my content. I've stayed consistent with my book reviews but the beauty and hauls are so rare. So if those are what you keep waiting for and I've disappointed you, I apologize.

I've also started the year in a bit of a reading slump. It's not that I've read bad books or that I don't have a desire to read, but I just can't figure out what I want to read. Like every time I'm looking for a book to read I'm like 'hmmm I don't know if this genre fits what I'm feeling right now." So that's been hard. Since starting this blog I've read a lot of YA and contemporary fiction. While I love those, I do feel a bit like I want to read something drastically different but I can't figure out what that is yet. If you have any suggestions, please leave them below!

That's pretty much what's been going on over here. I don't even have any exciting reasons as to why I've been a slacker. Just your typical blogger slump. I'm hoping that this year I will get back into it a bit more!

Hope you all had a Happy Holidays!